
About the Mediators

Sherri L. Walton, J.D.

Sherri L. Walton, J.D.


Sherri brings years of legal expertise and knowledge to her practice of mediation and law, which concentrates on family law, estate litigation, general litigation, and special education law.

As an experienced litigator, Sherri knows the importance of mediation in resolving disputes, which is most important in divorce, custody, and other domestic matters. She has seen the financial and emotional devastation that prolonged litigation has on parties and understands the value of mediation early on in a divorce. Sherri is committed to the principle of mediation, as opposed to litigation and courts, as a positive, faster, far less costly option for resolving conflict

Sherri has participated in hundreds of mediations with her clients, and now as a trained mediator she assists disputing parties reach a resolution that helps avoid the damage litigation can take on regular people just trying to care for their children and move on with their lives.

Sherri has practiced for many years and is an accomplished litigator, choosing to focus on families and assisting them through the most difficult times of their lives. Her practice focuses on divorce, custody disputes, alimony, property divisions, probate, estate disputes after the death of a loved one, and disputes when a child is not receiving appropriate special education services at school.

Sherri’s concern for children also compelled her to become a private Guardian ad Litem (an attorney who represents children), where she advocates for the most vulnerable in our society.

Sherri understands the catastrophic disruption to family life caused by divorce, estate disputes after the death of a loved one, or the lack of services for a struggling child. She is a powerful legal advisor and advocate for her clients in helping them achieve stability and peace.

Sherri has been licensed to practice law in Utah since 2012 and is a member of the Family Law, Education Law, and Litigation sections of the Utah State Bar. Sherri graduated from Nevada State College with High Honors and received her Juris Doctor from the Boyd School of Law at UNLV. Sherri is a partner at the law firm, Huntsman | Lofgran | Walton, PLLC in the Salt Lake Valley, serving families throughout Utah. She is also a partner in the Divorce Mediation Institute of Utah (DMIU), providing valuable mediation services to parties in domestic and other disputes.

Diana J. Huntsman, J.D.

Diana J. Huntsman, J.D.


Diana has been a mediator since 2012.  She is certified as a Master Mediator by the Utah Administrative Office of the Courts.  More importantly, Diana has helped over 400 couples resolve their divorce and custody conflicts through mediation, without the extra cost, delay, and emotional trauma of litigation.

Diana is also an attorney and has represented people in family law cases, including divorce, custody, and paternity matters, for over 29 years.  She is intimately familiar with the law, courtroom procedure, judges and litigation. Diana is also skilled at diplomatic negotiation and has resolved countless cases over those years as an attorney, through mediation.  She is an attorney Of Counsel with HUNTSMAN | LOFGRAN | WALTON, PLLC.

Whether helping a couple as a mediator, or representing a person as an attorney, Diana enjoys helping others find hope and resolution in difficult times — divorce being one of the hardest things a person may face.   Diana is passionately committed to the concept of mediation, as opposed to litigation and courts, as a positive, faster, far less costly option for resolving conflict.

Previously, Diana was a Prosecutorial Intern for the Salt Lake County Attorneys’ Office; a Judicial Extern for the Honorable J. Thomas Greene of the United States District Court, District of Utah; an associate, then partner, with Mangum, Holt & Huntsman; and the owner of Diana J. Huntsman & Assocs., PLLC.

Diana received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Utah, College of Law; her Bachelor of Science from Utah State University, cum laude, with majors in Economics and Business Administration, and a minor in Political Science; and her Associate of Science from Snow College, magna cum laude. She has been a member of the Utah State Bar since 1994 and is a member of the Family Law Section of that bar.

Benjamin, J.D.

Benjamin, J.D.


Benjamin is a passionate mediator as well as a practicing attorney, Ben loves to help people in conflict find amicable solutions to their legal problems. Nothing else brings him the same level of professional satisfaction.

As a Master Mediator on the Utah Court Roster, ​Ben has mediated hundreds of cases in a variety of areas. As a lawyer, he has represented hundreds of clients in District and Juvenile Court. He has been in practice since 2012.

Ben volunteers for low- and no-cost legal service programs with the state BAR and mediation services. When he isn’t mediating, Ben enjoys playing guitar, building things, drawing, and planning his next vacation.

Dr. Elizabeth Estes, P.H.D.

Dr. Elizabeth Estes, P.H.D.


Dr. Elizabeth Estes brings to the table years of academic research studying conflict resolution practices and a myriad of lived experiences and perspectives. Her knowledge of cultural and social norms and the roles they play in creating sustainable resolutions is what sets her apart from other mediators. Not only does Dr. Estes hold a Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University, but she is also a Utah State court-rostered mediator, a Utah State facilitator for the pilot program Online Dispute Resolution, a Utah State licensed teacher, an authorized OSHA instructor, and an American Red Cross instructor.  She is passionate about empowering people through education.  It is this passion that makes her an effective conflict revolutionist.

Though Dr. Estes is not a lawyer, she has over 8 years of experience navigating Utah courts and their judicial systems.  Her mediation and facilitation styles both focus on bringing a very human perspective to the resolution process.  Her goal is to highlight common ground between conflicting parties and work from that baseline to help parties find sustainable resolutions.

Conflicts can be very emotional and challenging even to the most stoic people.  Dr. Estes provides a space for disagreement, a time for acknowledgement, and a future for long-lasting resolution through her guided mediation and facilitation sessions.

Lehi Josué Cruz

Lehi Josué Cruz

Spanish Mediator

Lehi Josué Cruz completed his studies at the Law School of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico. He also has a Paralegal degree from LDSBC College in Salt Lake City.

Lehi has worked in Mexico as a litigator, public servant, and university instructor. He has also worked in criminal and tax law offices in Utah. As a migrant and with cultural and legal experience in Spanish and English, he has noticed that there is a real need for guidance and assistance to the Spanish speaking community seeking a more economical solution to divorce and child custody issues.

Lehi is working as a mediator in Huntsman | Lofgran | Walton and is ready to serve the Spanish speaking community throughout the state of Utah. Lehi is currently credentialed to conduct divorce and custody mediations in Utah.

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MON-FRI:  8:30AM–5:30PM
SAT & SUN: Closed

Helping clients in Utah for over 25 years.

623 East Fort Union Blvd.,
Suite 201
Salt Lake City, Utah 84047

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Fax: 801-850-0993